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Press Release

ITF secures freedom for 13 abandoned Filipino seafarers stuck in Singapore for 5 months; $1m in backpay won for crews

Thirteen Filipino seafarers have made it home after more than five months aboard an abandoned livestock carrier ship, the Yangtze Harmony, thanks to the intervention of the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF).  

The ship’s owners abandoned the vessel and its crew after the ship was arrested in October 2022 in Singapore over an unpaid fuel bill. That is when the shipowner also stopped paying the entire crew, leaving them without wages or a way to get home. By April, the crew were owed a massive USD $429,972. 

Seafarers, fishers to benefit from new medical guide onboard thanks to shipowners and unions

“Crew are often hundreds of miles from shore when illness, accident or injury takes place onboard – leaving them without internet and dangerously far from the nearest hospital,” said International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) General Secretary Stephen Cotton as he welcomed a new medical guide for ships from shipowners’ association ICS.

Press Release
Press Release

ITF delivers justice for Yangtze Fortune crew abandoned off Australian coast – seafarers repaid missing wages and repatriated home

Seafarers stranded aboard a livestock carrier vessel abandoned off the Australian coast have finally been repaid their missing wages and repatriated home with the assistance of the International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF).

Press Release

'Med stort overskud følger stort ansvar': Internationale fagforeninger griller Mærsk i kølvandet på dødsfald og krænkelser af rettigheder

28. marts 2023, København

Fagforeninger, der repræsenterer ansatte i Mærsk, verdens største børsnoterede rederi, er i København i dag for at bringe klare budskaber direkte til Mærsks hovedkvarter i anledning af koncernens generalforsamling og virksomheden rekordstore overskud på 29 milliarder dollars.

Press Release

ILWU, ITF, help to secure wages, safety of Burmese seafarers in Port of Tacoma, WA

Tacoma, WA—The actions of the Puget Sound Inspector from the International Transport Workers Federation (ITF) with support from members of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) Local 23 helped to protect a group of vulnerable seafarers who were being grossly underpaid and who feared for their safety after receiving threats for standing up for their rights. 

Press Release
Press Release

‘When it matters, shipping speaks as one’: industry-union pact to keep pandemic cooperative spirit alive

Joint Media Release

Unions representing seafarers and maritime employer groups have come together to sign a new memorandum of understanding (MOU) to take forward the ‘spirit of cooperation’ that marked the shipping industry’s joint efforts throughout the pandemic.

The MOU’s signatories are:

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